, P: f8 q) O q2 C' \1 X: q& }! Z l3 ]
1 ?5 M8 e$ `) _0 ]! x可以用这个外部命令来转换C:\>"C:\Program Files\ugS\NX 4.0\UGII\ug_convert_part.exe"usage: ug_convert_part [options]options: [-in <filename>] converts file <filename> to inches ;转换成英寸 [-mm <filename>] converts file <filename> to millimeters ;转换成mm毫米 [-d] sets the current directory as the source [-d <dirname>] sets directory <dirname> as the source [-o <dirname>] sets existing directory <dirname> as the destination [-s] traverses subdirectories [-u] converts udf files [-uo] converts udf files only [-x] exports the expressions of the converted part [-y] converts entire assembly赞同
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