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English Jokes Selections

发表于 2007-7-5 22:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bill Clinton and his driver were cruising along a country road one night when0 H1 X8 r+ o* `5 j  I" U
all of a sudden they hit a pig, killing it instantly. Bill told his driver& O7 V8 P+ ?0 P4 `/ n: B& y
to go up to the farmhouse and explain to the owners what had happened.
" X9 W( J- `: Y( {' @# CAbout 1 hour later Bill sees his driver staggering back to the car with a bottle/ t$ a# d- ^! L2 y1 M4 @  @
of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and his clothes all ripped and! e9 \: P+ @  P% _: a+ `0 \
torn. "What happened to you", asked Bill. "Well, the Farmer gave me the
. r: E$ j4 W) _$ Hwine, his wife gave me the Cigar and his 19 year old daughter made mad' P+ D' z: V+ Q' Z3 L) m
passionate love to me." "My God, what did you tell them", asks Clinton. The
  Q. Z" }: H7 f3 W" |6 P& f- Sdriver replies, "I'm Bill Clinton's driver, and I just killed the pig".
! v8 w: ]8 |$ z5 X0 V: q

7 e3 ^" `# K, XA six-year-old girl asks her mother, - "Mommy, how old are you?") {: w! g( k4 k: U
The mother replies, - "Honey, that's a very personal question. You
8 t, N, B) M$ K% ~are not supposed to ask a woman her age."% X1 u0 G6 k3 K7 K2 c

" ]0 c' g! `0 s& j; g& C" m# QThen she asks, - " How much do you weigh?"; ?$ [6 _$ ~, ?! a& k$ O8 a! v
- l# c1 B6 k0 R6 e) y5 o( R" |! j
The mother says, - "Honey, that is also a personal question. People& I3 _! g2 C1 S
don't want to be asked about their weight."
2 I' u  B5 H' Y  d- u7 I( B
0 h! q. z% `/ e  ^The girl goes on, - "Mommy, why did you and daddy get a divorce?". M$ _/ z: P' U! ]6 U; O8 _

" v* G& Y3 v2 _, f+ r: H, @0 o& AThe mother says, - "That's a very sensitive subject. When you are
; [2 `( y. L& Y& aolder, I'll tell you."
& O) P" y# j8 F/ Z
. |( `: K0 P. h" z8 E6 kThe next day, the girl goes to the kindergarten and tells her friend* Z  a/ T7 G0 s$ I# }
about the conversation she had with her mother. Her friend says, -
  b& C) {$ l$ ?+ l- i5 \"That's easy!! Look at her driver's license. You can find all the0 k& _9 D5 J7 i2 Z# M* Y& v
information in there."
- w) z! R$ ~! O! B6 b2 T- M- L! J0 C& c/ G
So the girl finds her mother's driver's license in her purse, looks at/ V! l( }! M$ a5 t+ r( R' i
it for a while, smiles big, and runs to her mother. - "Mommy, mommy, I
5 T7 f$ \1 \( j& b4 H8 l1 h, p' Y+ gknow how old you are! You are 32! I know how much you weigh, too! You
/ A# a& c% J2 ~- Q! sweigh 130 pounds! And I also know why you got a divorce! You got an
4 D6 C- ~% E  J4 F' `) A1 M) o& v"F" in sex! "

; I- d% `& I3 I5 w: o# O, _% a* aA businessman walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer.
. }+ e1 A9 Q0 I% ^8 _+ c( BHe says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow/ n$ k9 R7 [% l: k9 W  ~, I
$5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for3 z& G& N( H6 k/ }; D) W
such a loan. So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on/ |* z. Y  U6 V/ ~" l) B
the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to
8 q2 E# b" r* a7 S  j" Saccept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into. e" h3 z- I. R; i: f. b
the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the
6 H9 q* z9 u8 G4 ybusinessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to5 v. M( y" l. U3 T6 e
$15.41. The loan officer says, "We are very happy to have had your business, and( _) Q/ @5 d" }
this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While
4 q0 o* ^, F5 m* |0 j$ [) C" byou were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire.# G5 ^- F* S7 b5 B8 V" [
What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000?" The businessman" ^9 ^+ O9 r5 [2 ~& q/ B* D
replied, Where else in New York can I park my car for two weeks for 15 bucks?"
, E. {+ F$ D+ l/ t0 n, d  R: e) b, ?* P4 g7 P1 F
If Only Life Could Be Like a Computer!: h+ x" `& {& c, d" ?* z0 C8 {
=--=* I7 w% ?* u) O5 |* h4 B% N
If you messed up your life, you could press "Ctrl, Alt, Delete" and" w) W2 x" K1 Q# h6 M, Q- N
start all over!0 n' f  s+ i0 }9 P
# ~0 N2 {$ c, V. K, _# V
To get your daily exercise, just click on "run"! If you needed a& H- F$ W/ Z/ X) a/ o% W
break from life, click on suspend., T2 s+ {  F7 L# w& c5 z6 n

& O  ]" ^" ?, l# LHit "any key" to continue life when ready.1 ]/ X. M/ N( \+ I! N/ J; s4 s
' p: ]6 _5 t# l- i: r3 I
To get even with the neighbors, turn up the sound blaster.1 I: j: Q* e2 B+ }+ H/ ~& H2 x$ B

' P% \: X8 I: p3 ?& h8 N8 f) LTo add/remove someone in your life, click settings and control panel.7 F6 k4 \  J' Q1 Q' E' a
# o* V& t, {$ f# v  p7 h; ~
To improve your appearance, just adjust the display settings.7 I, U+ c9 M/ W" j8 \2 {
9 B! [7 Y' F! D' ~% t
If life gets too noisy, turn off the speakers.7 |; Z1 r* z% _5 e, U

4 z$ E3 \6 o- D$ k  VWhen you loose your car keys, click on find.
9 _! n5 \# a9 [) d! i% r3 D6 N0 q0 V1 L) j; n
"Help" with the chores is just a click away.
9 ~" W  d. i; \4 `; `2 @( L$ x7 j) w5 Z8 ^* ]% s0 a
Auto insurance wouldn't be necessary. You would use your diskette to
% G, i8 a& H! Brecover from a crash.
5 R: w2 C7 x% `5 r: G$ F: s) E$ U- \5 Q3 f& y  e
And, we could click on "SEND NOW" and a Pizza would be on it's way to, n8 u4 w; N3 N3 j
YOU... 8 x: F- y5 K0 K6 B0 k0 N7 l3 m
/ J% A6 ], e) z9 ^$ K
A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and; t( N; d& B+ W) M
said: "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent
/ F8 M+ y( {! O8 Gover, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.) |8 M0 f7 H+ @- P5 K$ @: A2 S

( n$ _* B4 ?0 j. ~/ [8 h7 {The frog spoke up again and said: "If you kiss me and turn me back/ X( k0 L/ p0 e0 L- @. p1 b8 X
into a beautiful princess, I will tell everyone how smart and brave
2 C& U- S/ j5 Y3 Wyou are and how you are my hero." The man took the frog out of his
1 i3 a! O/ }. i! Cpocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket.6 U' U" a6 J! _* N
6 h+ j' R6 A1 G1 Q9 _
The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back7 Q4 E1 {+ i7 F/ X3 m, S) f
into a beautiful princess, I will be your loving companion for an
. Y- z$ r- y7 W1 f- b( V3 hentire week."9 `5 n$ U. Z0 c6 h0 c
7 @- ]7 M; Q: Y/ g% f, a
The man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned
( M4 t3 Z4 h) w7 N# zit to his pocket.
/ }, ?+ z$ ~9 R) f( n" e: u7 i
# z# h9 E5 ^! YThe frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a
: X8 \1 z6 E! E5 iprincess, I'll stay with you for a year and do ANYTHING you want.."
- z0 q' O" h; }2 n  {+ RAgain, the man took the frog out, smiled at it, and put it back into
9 ~. I7 n( W9 S: O, L  bhis pocket.2 Y) _6 B! v1 V$ ]+ C
8 B# j0 V6 v7 `0 r
Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a( A& i2 K. e. P) r, x- \
beautiful princess, that I'll stay with you for a year and do8 f, E8 e; i9 }/ C* D2 `* B
anything you want.   Why won't you kiss me?"6 j- {  |+ O& G0 f( j! ?
1 I$ H" i/ X/ w
The man said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a
6 [/ O* b4 y! U+ }) Z) L* H; o5 U2 ~girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool.% W7 h. b" J5 l  h! X  _

6 E  y1 R2 |3 rSubject:  The real "circle of life" - man's point of  view6 ?4 V, L0 c9 ~" A  p( o# t+ _, `1 L

. z1 R( a' b5 E6 z0 A1 e. |When I was 14, all I wanted was a girl with big tits.: t. f0 R6 b2 W6 O

  |, ^, O- h6 }. q3 kWhen I was 16, I dated a girl with big tits, but
4 p8 T' q% y# L. K; j* ~1 e/ Lthere was no passion.  So I decided I needed a
) {" H/ }  Z! c) [. y5 ~& L# dpassionate girl with a zest for life.  In college,
  x- U+ [2 k# v1 H" A5 H" SI dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional.. `$ C7 Z2 |3 |$ X( }" j
Everything was an emergency, she was a drama queen,
. i+ j: J& m$ e7 ^5 Ecried all the time and threatened suicide.  So I% C# Y: _* J" b* X2 z3 A( g
decided I needed a girl with some stability.. X, @9 ]5 e9 ]% v/ _
+ G! R" X7 u. O* z) A
When I was 25, I found a very stable girl, but she
$ R9 n* }6 P  z# F/ F9 E/ Vwas boring.  She was totally predictable and never
$ }7 |4 c( _1 g* ~. n9 Pgot excited about anything.  Life became so dull
7 E/ ?* a- m0 dthat I decided I needed a girl with some excitement." p& D" v! M# s

0 n& Y/ F9 F- U2 B! I  T# lWhen I was 28, I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't5 V& B( K! e  _( u6 Q, _
keep up with her.  She rushed from one thing to another,
" K2 P6 `2 E" q* Inever settling on anything.  She did mad, impetuous: q% R/ I2 K. D) z
things and flirted with everyone she met.  She made
' X5 d& @1 P6 zme miserable as often as happy.  She was great fun
9 I) Q" W! E8 F5 }$ F8 Winitially and very energetic, but directionless.  So7 `' f2 G- E: C5 S, U& F  Q
I decided to find a girl with some ambition.
- K4 ^' t1 \' l( u* }' r
When I turned 31, I found a smart, ambitious girl with
/ e: O) h) u3 d3 iher feet planted firmly on the ground and married her.
$ ~5 n1 F' A6 W% C# n! r4 ]She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took9 E2 f7 m9 x" f) j& g$ W- N
everything I owned.
3 k* J: e+ }8 f$ I1 f# n6 ~% P% K
Now I am 42, and all I want is a girl with big tits.
& Q  K/ a4 r5 H2 [
( a5 {2 T& o, Z# J
- m2 K% I! X# |0 P4 |8 c, k5 f0 R7 X% j& Z4 d
  SYMPTOM: Feet cold and wet.
6 l& F% e( ]. ]' @& M! F5 R  FAULT:   Glass being held at incorrect angle.
- |1 R5 L0 o% S. Z7 \6 e  ACTION:  Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling.
/ b3 O2 {6 Z6 u% \7 d! F6 {, M6 U) d  + R, Q' X2 l- ^9 p9 \8 ?
  SYMPTOM: Feet warm and wet.) @! u6 Z. q1 W5 _. s4 S: L. s6 m& b
  FAULT:   Improper bladder control.' s/ x  ^/ s6 `) W
  ACTION:  Stand next to nearest dog, complain about house training.6 t7 O) [2 k6 q1 D  @. z
  ( T/ u3 |! X* c" A4 Y
  SYMPTOM: Beer unusually pale and tasteless.
3 ~, I" M5 L6 w3 |6 J( P  FAULT:   Glass empty.
) s+ j: b( _6 f7 B) y/ X( C, Q% G: g  ACTION:  Get someone to buy you another beer.5 W. `4 _* Z$ \7 i
7 K; l- p; B* Y" k( ~) P  SYMPTOM: Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights.2 `7 [) Z; l+ g3 d+ n5 I
  FAULT:   You have fallen over backward.
3 O( O5 d2 X4 U* u" s5 s. t  ACTION:  Have yourself leashed to bar.$ ]5 i& t. Y$ u  z* J
3 e0 B$ O- b* j% i% O  SYMPTOM: Mouth contains cigarette butts.
7 S6 U3 I5 N, o7 g' y  FAULT:   You have fallen forward.# J: f: d1 W& u  C
  ACTION:  See above.
* N3 J/ _) V; z! w& n  9 V' K; x( X1 p3 C! E
  SYMPTOM: Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet.
7 u: h& g# u$ h9 P) c3 e! i: w) p  FAULT:   Mouth not open, or glass applied to wrong part of face.# f" T$ l1 {( A4 }( ~3 d5 {
  ACTION:  Retire to restroom, practice in mirror.6 Q! b( K# O2 R( ^! m. Z% G
4 L) J- b: S5 f+ I  SYMPTOM: Floor blurred.7 }5 m$ d7 m  H/ T; p* K5 e
  FAULT:   You are looking throUGh bottom of empty glass.
  `8 k0 |  o/ m! R# p4 J  ACTION:  Get someone to buy you another beer.& g" Q( f8 v  {# B6 e3 M! S
  n( J, R0 O" B4 k# Z0 ]9 L  SYMPTOM: Floor moving.% E* O# t, u, G* \# R( k
  FAULT:   You are being carried out.
% K' C6 E7 r( X5 f6 F2 u/ ?2 X' C  ACTION:  Find out if you are being taken to another bar.
8 v- M# O, ^# q2 d6 s3 T  . v2 `1 g/ J( x* R) \7 [+ s. a
  SYMPTOM: Room seems unusually dark.
$ P/ w8 R1 R+ }  M  FAULT:   Bar has closed.
+ V3 t+ k0 ?9 f, J+ r$ ?( Z  ACTION:  Confirm home address with bartender.+ i( t) K/ q: W7 k6 }" P% d( w: ]% ^
; H6 }) w8 r* V9 `! N  SYMPTOM: Taxi suddenly takes on colorful aspect and textures.7 T+ |3 O3 @3 O. n% V
  FAULT:   Beer consumption has exceeded personal limitations.
( _2 _7 N; Q( X  ACTION:  Cover mouth.
% S) G+ y! ]( |7 d; A  ) V) P/ Q2 p4 E$ M0 v$ f4 g
  SYMPTOM: Everyone looks up to you and smiles.9 b: z4 Q* }: R
  FAULT:   You are dancing on the table.5 p/ x4 F1 Q2 C; p( p# F
  ACTION:  Fall on somebody cushy-looking.1 Q0 w" m' h8 l
  7 S. L% q7 f- o3 u. Q% |
  SYMPTOM: Beer is crystal-clear.1 T! w2 W$ V9 g2 `- X9 E
  FAULT:   It's water.  Somebody is trying to sober you up.
! _& Z$ l- m( s8 S4 L! u2 j, a  ACTION:  Punch him.0 v0 B' t, l% F* v' v- w5 J" O
  5 C; H# p8 L$ |  }- [
  SYMPTOM: Hands hurt, nose hurts, mind unusually clear.; a7 C7 B3 c9 W0 w* y
  FAULT:   You have been in a fight.$ w: P& |0 _* f0 a
  ACTION:  Apologize to everyone you see, just in case it was them.
8 S- J5 P6 T  B3 T" k  
8 Y$ B- \6 W. p8 D8 t$ @+ N  SYMPTOM: Don't recognize anyone, don't recognize the room you're in.  `# o; y. d* i* m+ l
  FAULT:   You've wandered into the wrong party.
3 |0 q0 \1 {5 c3 A  ACTION:  See if they have free beer." Z  b1 o$ d  l  m
  8 `* t4 V3 Y, P6 w" x) j
  SYMPTOM: Your singing sounds distorted." R) {/ y, x$ ?0 {
  FAULT:   The beer is too weak.  O5 M9 d' z7 ^
  ACTION:  Have more beer until your voice improves.! e$ H8 a6 |* A; q
$ ]+ B7 Z+ E7 ~* C1 M  SYMPTOM: Don't remember the words to the song.
0 w/ Z  M+ o* d2 ^& \' _2 b  FAULT:   Beer is just right.
. B. {9 G& I( S1 ^  ACTION:  Play air guitar.

* q3 r1 a; K3 ^4 T: K
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