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发表于 2006-10-1 20:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p><font size="3"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#008000">人生不过是一场幻梦!”  "Life is but an empty dream!" <br/><br/>灵魂睡着了,就等于死了, For the soul is dead that slumbers, <br/><br/> 事物的真相与外表不同。 And things are not what they seem. <br/><br/>人生是真切的!人生是实在的! Life is real! Life is earnest! <br/><br/> 它的归宿决不是荒坟;  And the grave is not its goal; <br/><br/>“你本是尘土,必归于尘土”, "Dust thou art, to dust returnest," <br/><br/> 这是指躯壳,不是指灵魂。  Was not spoken of the soul. <br/><br/>我们命定的目标和道路  Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, <br/><br/> 不是享乐,也不是受苦;  Is our destined end or way; <br/><br/>而是行动,在每个明天   But to act, that each to-morrow <br/><br/> 都超越今天,跨出新步。 Find us farther than to-day. <br/><br/>智艺无穷,时光飞逝; Art is long, and Time is fleeting, <br/><br/>这颗心,纵然勇敢坚强, And our hearts, though stout and brave, <br/><br/>也只如鼙鼓,闷声敲动着, Still, like muffled drums, are beating <br/><br/> 一下又一下,向坟地送丧。 Funeral marches to the grave. <br/><br/>世界是一片辽阔的战场, In the world's broad field of battle, <br/><br/> 人生是到处扎寨安营;  In the bivouac of life, <br/><br/>莫学那听人驱策的哑畜, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! <br/><br/> 做一个威武善战的英雄!  Be a hero in the strife! <br/><br/>别指望将来,不管它多可爱! Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant! <br/><br/> 把已逝的过去永久掩埋! Let the dead Past bury its dead! <br/><br/>行动吧--趁着活生生的现在! Act, -- act in the living Present! <br/><br/> 心中有赤心,头上有真宰! Heart within, and God o'evhead! <br/><br/>伟人的生平启示我们:  Lives of great men all remind us <br/><br/> 我们能够生活得高尚, We can make our lives sublime, <br/><br/>而当告别人世的时候,  And, departing, leave behind us <br/><br/> 留下脚印在时间的沙上; Footprints on the sand of time; <br/><br/>也许我们有一个兄弟   Footprints, that perhaps another, <br/><br/> 航行在庄严的人生大海, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, <br/><br/>遇险沉了船,绝望的时刻,A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, <br/><br/> 会看到这脚印而振作起来。 Seeing, shall take heart again. <br/><br/>那么,让我们起来干吧, Let us, then, be up and doing, <br/><br/> 对任何命运要敢于担戴; With a heart for any fate; <br/><br/>不断地进取,不断地追求, Still achieving, still pursuing, <br/><br/> 要善于劳动,善于等待。 Learn to labor and to wait</font>
( s# ?& ^4 ]( }4 U+ i" ?4 E& y; q; o                        </font></font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3"></font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3">积极向上,努力进取,a better day, every day, yeahyeahyeah</font></p>
发表于 2006-10-2 20:40 | 显示全部楼层
&nbsp; 支持! 还可能学学英语.
发表于 2006-10-7 07:08 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-9 03:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-10-13 00:47 | 显示全部楼层
高中时候英文还很喜欢&nbsp; 现在都给我无聊的大学生活废了
发表于 2006-10-23 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-10-31 17:26 | 显示全部楼层
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