IGES to UG3 s0 X! L. w. w" b/ L# e @
! INFO- NX V7.0 / IGES Specification 5.3
) D! L8 m2 S! L( W6 e& j1 f! INFO- 9 M1 O# M3 f1 K; i _+ G: M
! INFO- Start of Translation: 3-JAN-2011 12:11:35 PM
7 G( w. {7 {( g! b& v' B1 ]8 t- u! INFO-
6 z6 c2 c& s# @: b" O; g) `! STATUS- Converting Part: F:\01.03\GMT.IGS
6 U3 C x* E7 y6 [. f! INFO- SolidWorks IGES file using analytic representation for surfaces
! P2 ?. [7 \, f% N$ @3 S) K: ]! SUMMARY-
4 n: ~% g$ F2 I0 [5 A2 i \7 h! SUMMARY- Summary of Supported IGES Entities in file
6 s- F) n" C: a8 R+ j! SUMMARY-
- Z# s- C! x( `% W! SUMMARY- Entity Type Count/ k- G% H5 d* C( ~& g* {: C/ t
! SUMMARY- ----------- -----
3 {; L! ~) o1 a/ T8 v* ?# f3 l! SUMMARY- Line (110/0).................: 680
5 Z' o1 C* Y9 O5 [$ d& K! SUMMARY- Circular Arc (100/0).........: 4309 d# J# C+ v P) C) q
! SUMMARY- B-Spline Curve (126/0-4).....: 1335$ u2 @/ o \$ V% i# f
! SUMMARY- Composite Curve (102/0)......: 448
! X; o4 \4 J# S. h( T! J! SUMMARY- Surface of Rev (120/0).......: 92) N" d$ f( i9 U
! SUMMARY- B-Spline Surface (128/0-9)...: 126% i- r" F7 V, p- z/ Q
! SUMMARY- Curve of Surface (142/0).....: 224
2 s* g& V2 c+ [9 u1 N; B% Y4 u, H+ H! SUMMARY- Trimmed Surface (144/0)......: 218: @9 k5 J& ~. |. n% u, z1 b
! SUMMARY- Trans Matrix (124/0,1,10,12).: 328) g8 R/ [: W9 X" Q" r8 ~. f
! SUMMARY- Color Definition (314/0,1)...: 1
( w2 i! ?; T) A8 D1 P- z! SUMMARY- -----
1 A. |6 Q$ V/ p; t1 h$ T! SUMMARY- Total 3882
; T, J0 ?# ~ y: E; A6 O; h! STATUS-
- e C& b. \, L$ \) g- o1 i! STATUS- Converting to Output Form (Phase 2 of 3): 3-JAN-2011 12:11:35 PM3 q4 f" V9 @; D* b2 h3 |) @0 O: u
! STATUS- & Y6 s( ^2 v& S3 O$ d- T
! STATUS- Creating the UG part (Phase 3 of 3): 3-JAN-2011 12:11:35 PM# N; D' {1 Z+ g" ?! f. U7 ?) _
! INFO- Degeneracy in b-spline entity 851 was corrected at or around these# h' P. ]6 s- L8 d; Z
! INFO- locations. A shape change has resulted:
0 @7 @) B, O1 Q/ J! INFO- 0.666707 0.386276 0.000000) h( F; ^5 l! {9 p* f
! INFO- Degeneracy in b-spline entity 939 was corrected at or around these
6 a/ m# r v9 h2 A @5 F- \5 C' }! INFO- locations. A shape change has resulted:7 S8 @* j& z# G
! INFO- 0.333082 0.386447 0.000000/ [1 J% I, T- i5 {! x' R
! INFO- Degeneracy in b-spline entity 1275 was corrected at or around these
& j8 ]# R* T/ \! INFO- locations. A shape change has resulted:
6 q+ J/ w, r. h) q1 x8 c! INFO- 0.017365 0.057973 0.0000003 d, G. M, H, B1 \0 h
! INFO- Degeneracy in b-spline entity 4645 was corrected at or around these8 R# B1 a3 `) F8 |
! INFO- locations. A shape change has resulted:
" [8 [6 O' b2 f1 c! INFO- 0.982661 0.058577 0.000000) [1 n( O/ R3 |9 Q7 c/ |8 z. E
! INFO- Filing Part ..: F:\01.03\GMT_igs.prt4 A2 C( O) r( |% R( e
# f" ]2 c; N( L- B5 {4 _! SUMMARY- Summary of Unigraphics Input Entities
' g. X8 l3 I6 k) ?) T! SUMMARY- 8 ]6 a" }( [2 I0 c/ |# |1 z
! SUMMARY- Entities Processed Count2 r4 a! T6 x1 I
! SUMMARY- ------------------ -----
8 u& ]+ e( V+ X3 y e9 N! SUMMARY- Part Attribute ..............: 8
) ], `3 r9 Y8 ]& i5 @! SUMMARY- Solid .......................: 218
, F5 b% f. v) B8 C! SUMMARY- -----4 p# S" f8 `. U. y; }
! SUMMARY- Total 226
4 r: R I% w: Y4 C7 W! INFO-
. h( l9 S+ ?( }) V/ w/ x2 Q, L111! INFO- End of Translation: 3-JAN-2011 12:11:38 PM" h1 n& D2 ~& \* r/ i! m
! INFO- |