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9 Y# P+ M& u9 _' E
9 a& h% K/ ?0 l6 P/ W
Lesson 3 List Import and Export.pdf
(73.68 KB, 下载次数: 7)
Overview This lesson shows you how to import and export routed lists for use in Wiring. By Route Lists we are referring to two different lists, the Connection list and the Component List. The Connection List is basically a list of all the wires in an electrical system, giving information about what each wire connects from and to (also know as the from-to list). The Component List lists all the components, both devices and connectors if applicable, in the electrical system. The two lists must work together, the wires of the connection list connecting the components in the component list. NOTE:If you already have an understanding of these concepts, you may perform steps 1-6 of Lesson 3A and continue with Lesson 4. Lesson 3A - Importing Files | Open part file 3-tutorial_assembly.prt or continue with the model from the previous lesson. | | Choose Application->Routing->Wiring. | | Choose the Route List Navigator button in the Wiring Tools Toolbar. This opens the Route List Navigator tool bar. Initially the Connection List View is active (as opposed to the Component List View). | | In the Connection List toolbar, choose the Properties icon (far right end).
0 a1 E7 `2 o$ X4 J8 k- The Connection List Propertiesdialog is displayed.
0 A9 o+ \* ^" n+ H0 w% d0 j& v- t8 t
| | Set the Display Format to Full. & v2 y$ p; V2 H
- The display format determines which fields are displayed in what order.
1 s/ S' g) }% T- S | | Set the Import Format to Example by pulling down the Import Format list pull down menu. . ~) g, J1 b+ v8 B/ ^/ Y6 \+ X
- This sets the format used to read the connection list. The connection list for this tutorial uses the format defined by the one named Example (your site may define others ).
2 X/ q+ P3 J8 N: ?; r | | Choose OK to accept your choices and dismiss the dialog. | | Choose the Import All icon on the Connection List toolbar. | | Choose file tutorial.hrn and choose OK in the file selection box. : C$ _0 q( {! z1 l% {, j3 v
- All of the file tutorial.hrn file is read into the Routing Connection List and is displayed in the Connection List Window using the Display Format named FULL.
% j2 |' K- M$ O, B | | Place the cursor over one of the column titles, such as Pin, and hold down MB3. This provides a pop up menu that includes other import options; Import Replace and Import Unique. Choose the Import Unique option. | | Choose file tutorial.hrn again. / y( n) Y# A5 R& i& P6 f
- Notice that no new records are added to the connection list. This is because there are no records in the file that are unique compared to those records already in the connection list./ j: h! ~+ k) y) h8 k: [
| | Choose the Import All option, either from the MB3 pop up or from the icon in the Connection List toolbar. | | Choose file tutorial.hrn again. . N2 A8 {. k* [, H
- Notice that all records of the file are imported to the connection list and duplicate records exist. This option is typically used to merge two lists, not create duplicates as was just done here.
8 I3 h2 D2 V( A: e: M2 |7 S5 D | | Choose Import Replace and choose tutorial.hrn one more time.
7 G0 q1 ~) P8 a7 z! p" F( i+ q& z- This option removes all existing list content and replaces it with the contents of the file.
9 W3 a& x' i+ f( j
Lesson 3B - Exporting Files You may have a need to export the connection list. One example is to transfer wire length information to an ECAD package. You can export lists using the same format used to read it in or you may use a different format altogether. | Choose the Export Format Example using the Properties dialog, similar to how you chose the Import Format previously. | | Choose Export All either from the Connection List toolbar (or from the MB3 pop up). Save the file as all.hrn in your work directory.
4 \, Z$ n9 m5 d3 `" A- The file all.hrn now exists and is in the same format as the original file turorial.hrn. You may look at this file by opening it in your favorite text editor.
. Q3 a( `, Z \3 l9 p8 Y
| | Choose the first four rows of the connection list by highlighting the first row, holding down the shift key, and choosing the fourth row.
3 O2 v/ U9 o0 l+ i/ p1 \0 F& C+ K; {- The first four rows are now highlighted.
7 ~9 i n! o! h' Z5 }$ r! ^% L
| | Choose the Export by holding the cursor over any of the highlighted rows. Save the file as selected.hrn again. % k$ L# |& `: y6 j6 z
- The file selected.hrn is created containing only the four rows selected.( \% {) G$ X% |; X' I
| | Choose a different Export Format in the Properties dialog. | | Choose Export All from the Connection List toolbar (or from the pop up menu). Provide any name you like as the new file name. ( D: t( s- ~5 i
- The file is created in the chosen format. These file formats are defined in the Wiring configuration file (the default file is ugwiring.cfg, which may be modified).: c {% c9 C( o3 q1 ]
NOTE: The pop up menu changes according to the position of the cursor when the MB3 button is pressed. If the cursor is in a column header or in white space in the connection list then the pop up displays options that are applicable to all rows of the connection list. These options operate on the entire list. If the cursor is located over a selected row in the connection list then the pop up displays options applicable to selected rows, such as Export Selected. These options operate only on the currently selected rows. End of Lesson 3. |