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发表于 2013-9-12 10:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
神器啊!膜拜中……来自: Android客户端
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发表于 2013-9-12 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
; [# g! k- i7 j4 Y+ C2 d; h4 q0 Y 要的就是楼主的这种人品
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-13 08:11 | 显示全部楼层

47596N グッチ バッグ Plastic bags can be deadly

Every bag ever touched by you, your family, your city, state and planet still exists unless it was transformed into toxic incinerated chemicals, which occurs even when bags are "recycled." Plastic bags used daily number in the trillions. A trillion is a number most people cannot digest,グッチ バッグ, much like plastic bags.# n# {* J0 e  T  ?0 G* Y: k
Plastic bags kill many things. They kill seabirds that ingest them accidentally. They kill turtles and fish in the same ways. They kill land animals, even camels, ess frequently. They kill a perfectly lovely landscape scene when they blow along roadsides and tangle in trees. They kill plants and small lifeforms smothered by them, as well as tiny microorganisms. They kill quickly, when an animal chokes within minutes, or in slow insidious ways. Since print upon them often contains lead they contaminate; they accumulate to bury some ecosystems, and their chemical compounds accumulate slowly in human, plant and other bodies.6 P7 O% X$ G. j
There are great alternatives to plastic. For some things,http://www.ssj.org/site/paul-smith/, people are wise to look to the past. In the past, for thousands of years, people have used natural products to devise carrying containers. Among these containers are wooden crates and baskets, woven and grass bags,コーチ 長財布, even calabashes,メンズエルメス 財布, glass, ceramic and cloth. In some areas, even paper bags are preferable, but these kill trees and forests, as do petroleum corporations who clear land to get more petroleum for dirty fuel and other petroleum byproducts,マークジェイコブス トートバッグ, such as all plastics.
, [! _( R, k% pAny of the other containers used prior to the convenience of versus paper are superior in many ways. They are durable and reuseable, and they do not have a menacing lethal record of injury, abuse, killing and toxins.
' \- v0 O, i+ g8 N- D* S) @: NThere are not quite a trillion answers as alternatives to plastic bags, but there are certainly many thousands of solutions. Wise stores like Ikea have begun to charge five cents per plastic bag, and this incentive suddenly jars consumers into remembering their canvas bags. In Ireland, a tax upon them reduced their use by ninety percent. Many retail stores now give consumers a credit for bringing their own alternative bags, this is a small step, but saves money and lives.- ^) T, B6 u" D! X& L5 p
Putting a picture on the refrigerator of a sea turtle choking and dying after eating a plastic bag, could also help people remember this simple kindness to the earth. In the long run, as with every other bad habit, the only real solution is for people to internalize the difference they can make.  y. _6 q" k* J0 m, T7 a  V
Perhaps counting up the number of plastic bags that have billowed through one life is one way to accomplish this./ s  P3 c  P, y9 D* {7 L5 b
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发表于 2013-9-13 08:20 | 显示全部楼层

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How to Compete in a Commoditized Industry8 c* I( g- p% t9 j
What is a commodity? According to the Webster Dictionary the word commodity is defined as a a good or service whose wide availability commonly leads to smaller sized profit margins and diminishes the value of aspects (as brand name) other than value.9 I9 m8 N. @  t+ j, x' Z
In a commodity industry, many providers compete and none enjoys a competitive advantage. Which means, that each firm has equal access to such necessities as technologies, capital, clients, and labor. For example, a monetary service firm that sell stock. Let face, all stock is the identical. If I invest in Microsoft (MSFT) stock from E*Trade, it that exact same MSFT stock that Merrill Lynch sell. For that reason, the solution is the identical. With that getting mentioned, how to a monetary firm differentiate themselves from other financial シャネル バッグ firms? Presently these firms separate themselves by selling suggestions, study and develop mutual funds that exclusive their firm.9 a: H! N" ]0 M/ J8 Y9 D, k
If you can't maneuver your competition, simply because they are consistently imitating your just about every move, then you need to either boost your efficiency by undertaking the job quickly and/or less expensive than your competitors. You start off by analyzing the relative strengths of your competitive atmosphere:! M1 c. o% V  |! T
Present Consumers シャネル ?Are you getting the most out of just about every consumer? Can you earn a higher Prada Uk profit margin by supply your clients?upgrades to their current merchandise/services they buy from you? Can you give your customers far more worth by supplying incentives such as discounts? Can you motivate your prospects?offers your solutions? Of, course these are only recommendations and every single person small business circumstances will be diverse.
( c  e) A& H8 ~Prospective buyers- there are a quantity of people today that will need your service and don know it. Sometime youl supply a service that practically meets a entire new market place requirement if you just tweaked it a little. Look at it this way. Either you can expand your market place/quantity of purchaser with new goods or you increase your presence in your existing marketplace. Here how you decide which option is the most effective for you. What ever you believe will earn you the biggest, most sustaining income in the least risky manner, that what you must do.
6 j7 g7 P' g& |Current competitors- your present competitors are only a small piece of the competitive landscape, simply because the new entrants are going to continue to enter your market place rather you know them or like them, it doesn matter. You require to be cautious when building a approach to produce a competitive benefit against new competitors, mainly because it could back-fire. Trying to destroy or marginalize the competition is harmful-especially if youe competing over value. Firms グッチ 財布 that appreciate competitive benefits but that are not content material with what they have can harm themselves permanently by pursuing aggressive rather than cooperative techniques グッチ バッグ. You can rarely place a well トリーバーチ 靴-run company out of small business via price tag competition. Rather of competing on price tag, you enhance output and production capacity./ N" v8 W* T5 z, S% Y* p
Prospective competitors getting into your marketplace ?as Microsoft Chairman as constantly mentioned, a smaller startup in a garage can grow up and grow to be one of your largest competitors. Just appear at Google-a corporation that only eight years old. The prevalent and most established method utilizes to combat such entrants is: improve the barriers to markets. It is a reality that when new entrants enter your market place you market place share deceases. In addition, with new entrants you should move very carefully, mainly because you are in a position where you have a lot to shed if you already own the market place. The entrant has absolutely nothing to drop トリーバーチ and all the things to get.1 g) U. V* A" n4 {+ m" k/ W
Vendor relations- All your suppliers need to be a part of your management or advisory team. They require to be involved in the improvement of new techniques and items for you. If you can get your vendors to support you operate far more effectively, you can pass the savings to your shoppers. In addition, you want to attempt to tie your vendors up in very first ideal of refusal contracts, because you at last point you want is your competitors from receiving the exact same advantage type sometime you enable make.
0 N) t% l/ ]3 Z' y/ y; r& NSubstitutes/Complementary solutions ?A big chance that commonly lost in modest enterprises is the chance to partners with other people to introduce substitute and complementary solutions. And he is suitable. So deal accordingly.; X2 d6 B' N4 ~
The six competitive categories above are six simples way to operate on your organization from the inside. It is very suggested that you outline a detailed plan that address each and every category and how you can strengthen it. Very good luck and I will see you up at the major.. [( j( B& E: T" u/ A
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  Z: l& X3 ~: J, E+ m  ( u' U0 M: U+ r7 ^4 B0 q# c* w
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发表于 2013-9-13 08:21 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-9-14 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
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