?Go ahead and speak your mind -- but don't expect to change someone else's. When we try to convince others to see our political point of view, we very often fail. Which means that the argument you're about to embark on pretty likely won't change the other person's mind -- and will ruin your appetite besides. So before you shoot back a barbed response to your father's claim that your candidate is an [insert unflattering noun here],Timberland Boots Men, ask yourself if it's really worth the drama,Timberland Roll Top Boots. In most cases,Timberland Boots Men, it won't be,Timberland Shoes. Instead, try for an even-handed statement that states your truth and makes clear what your beliefs are, regardless of his. Instead of arguing, work to educate and widen perspectives,Cheap Timberland Boots, and then let go of what happens. It's a cliché, but it's relevant: Sometimes, we need to agree to disagree.
- o/ P+ j e: M3 ~8 E6 X6 hChoose your opponents wisely. Getting in -- and out -- of a heated exchange can be cleaner with immediate family members, who might be able to shrug off differences more easily,Cheap Timberland Boots. This isn't always the case with those you see once a year,Timberland Roll Top Boots,Timberland Hiking Shoes, whose personality quirks and methods of conversation may be less familiar to you. Also, chances are good your nephew's not going to give up his NRA card just because you make a convincing case. Why work yourself,Timberland Shoes, and everyone else,Timberland Shoes, up,Timberland Hiking Shoes? Know when to stay silent,Timberland Roll Top Boots. Have a piece of pie instead.
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& o0 W' x: C! Y# Q has just published a memoir. |