本帖最后由 897015209 于 2013-4-24 14:31 编辑
: J" G1 V0 S# o" [- D5 X1 X& m( d& K
问题1:' G/ s* }2 v" S. \3 ]) V+ V
相信大部分安装moldflow的同行都在Crack的时候看到安装说明上写着这么一句话:“Edit lic.dat and change HOSTNAME and MAC to suit your configuration”,就是对其中的“MAC”何解?没有弄明白。! m$ z2 S9 j% S' Z+ i2 o& D1 C9 T' D
我的MF就是百度网盘大侠lianjin07传播版本的MF"pan.baidu.com/share/home?uk=3759321846(你懂的)"。Crack的时候我google了下“Moldflow2014 HOSTNAME and MAC ”,搜索结果真是令人兴奋。结果让我看到了一篇文章专门报道“LMTOOLS Procedure for Host Name and ID”。
+ `: V- o0 T* \3 n7 g# j原文如下(加上小编的注解,绿色字):, F# p5 t7 |' g! d h
LMTOOLS Procedure for Host Name and ID- \; |, n* f( n9 k$ l5 f' R5 @* \# z
To obtain the host name and ID using the LMTOOLS utility
* }2 J+ y6 l0 L) d: v" C: R/ a$ YImportant Do not run LMTOOLS on a remote computer. : a+ v7 G w& ?
You should be logged in with Administrator rights when working with the LMTOOLS utility.
( T( k3 _8 |1 B' J' C2 x, O1.Click Start All Programs Autodesk Network License Manager LMTOOLS Utility. 5 T6 ]2 _4 M" v L6 W; [
2.In the LMTOOLS utility, click the Systems Settings tab.
' s4 Y6 l7 w! Z. H; m& k3.Locate the Computer/Hostname box. Copy the host name and paste the information into a text editor.
3 l# ^; e3 O# M" L5 y2 f4.Locate the Ethernet Address box. The 12-character Ethernet address is the host ID.
/ l' Y* ^+ \, d3 e. u) HNoteIf your server has more than one Ethernet adapter, select one that corresponds to a physical network adapter. If you are using a Mac OS X computer with more than one network card, you must use the address of the primary network card. ! ?& T& L7 `1 f3 W
5.Close LMTOOLS.
! T4 r" _1 [& ^$ m( ^% n4 c: p$ E 首先安装network license manager即LMTOOLS,Install network license manager from setup tools & utilities or from the DVD,x86\Support\nlm\NLM.msi or x64\Support\nlm\NLM.msi ,以管理员的方式运行。那上面的“MAC”的正解就是这ID,在LMTOOLS Systems Settings 选项卡中的Ethernet Address一栏,复制填到你的.lic文件里去。+ R! ?+ ?; f* w
' r1 e5 e( G& p$ Z
: B o3 U) g9 J ^0 D 在MF安装破解完成后,运行MF时弹出写着这么行字“A security failure has occured……”的窗口。
" }: J8 U. G `# x- | C1 B6 G8 M 几经周折寻找问题的答案,原来这个问题很简单,由于安装第一个文件的时候一步一步地按照说明来做的,在安装第二个文件的时候我们常常忽略文件的替换这一步。自己想象都觉的惊讶!!& P& Y& k6 X) S- @4 ^6 z! l* z
3 m! h3 J* u: n9 A- M2 ~; L4) Copy adlmint.dll in all installed apps "bin" folder
3 ?* _1 c: c' b C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Simulation Moldflow Insight 2014\bin\8 F& l$ f9 t6 R( Q* g1 P
/ K) W/ p7 e- y, i" i/ }* q问题3:
. k% d5 m3 u3 y/ a有的朋友在安装并且破解好了Moldflow后,发现无法分析,并且出现错误代码如:** ERROR 99998 ** Required license for AMI_STANDARD is not available, or all licenses are currently in use or the product you have installed is not licensed to run this feature.
8 H5 \& w8 Z5 F& P此问题感谢网友Aaron热心提供。问题分析:Required license for AMI_STANDARD ,那么就是缺少了AMI_STANDARD版本的许可证了,但是不是已经安装好了吗,而且也破解成功了吗?注意,目前我了解的是AMI有三个版本,AMI_BASIC 、AMI_STANDARD、 AMI_PERFORMANCE。
/ t! o. i; e3 \- z# Q按我的猜想是可能以前电脑上安装了其他版本的AMI了,想网友Aaron可能就是MF2013非STANDARD版本。那么卸载之前的MF版本,确定卸载干净,重新安装MF2014,确认每一步的密钥都输入正确.- K7 w# z6 U- z9 ]7 P
( K- \" [2 v! \* \2 @573F1 - Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insight Standard 2014(有功能限制)
3 T8 O9 v- j7 a4 A* w, q7 f- m( l- \574F1 - Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insight Premium 2014(有功能限制)6 M+ e* b. t5 j$ }$ l
575F1 - Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insight Ultimate 2014(无功能限制)
$ i; ~' j6 y _+ ^( G/ X安装那个程序就用那个程序文件夹下的Crack文件,避免搞混。
' a5 q/ G! J; a$ {, Y3 `& t附上英文网站上原文解答:
' B5 v3 W# O* _Hi,this might be related to product key used when installing Autodesk Moldflow Insight 2012 solver.$ g( m8 s! i6 M; ~8 j/ S. D; M
Seems has you have an Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced 2012.
% [2 z! k; J, ?" bIf solver is installed as Autodesk Moldflow Insight Basic 2012, it cannot run fiber flow analysis or find Basic license, as you have Advanced and you will get an security error.% P, U+ Y5 H9 P/ i3 W* z1 E
Please, reinstall solver with serial number and product key of Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced 2012.9 B7 b) O7 ?( y$ m( W) j5 t" K
Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced 2012 : 575D15 k, u: E; [7 l5 N
Hope this helps.5 W" h( X1 M, l5 N& Z! V" s" g2 X
7 Q' s, D# b/ ~8 k+ `: c- D
4 z; S4 \; g$ |) |$ `: Z1 ~9 c% q2 X' i
8 J+ y7 I. h( x& C
$ v2 m3 ]4 Q+ \- s4 B, c
@! q n! [( v1 d5 F5 q
- M# F% d' \; s: `1 m7 {- ^ |
A security failure has occured