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?Mamina has returned to Nicaragua,Timberland Boots Men, along with the rest of our relatives,Stella McCartney Bags,Cheap Timberland Boots, while Amalia and I are visiting my parents in Massachusetts. But I can't stop thinking about the moment when Mamina spotted the photo of Mother Soniat and tears filled her eyes at the sight of a woman who had offered her fudge and friendship when she felt alone,Timberland Boots Men. So as Thanksgiving approaches tomorrow I'm feeling grateful for all the teachers out there whose kindness and respect changed their students' lives,Miu Miu Totes; Miss Hurd who first suggested to my father,Timberland Shoes,Miu Miu Purse, then a pre-teen refugee,Timberland Roll Top Boots,Chloe Sally, that he write about his life in war-torn Greece; the teacher who fostered Oprah Winfrey's love of reading, and made her feel she could be whatever she wanted when she grew up,Timberland Roll Top Boots. And Mother Soniat who inspired generations of Sacred Heart girls,Stella McCartney Handbags,Timberland Roll Top Boots,Timberland Roll Top Boots, including Mamina and the alum who endowed the school with a new library not in her own family's name but in honor of Mother Soniat,Miu Miu Handbags.8 V' g3 c7 P, |7 n
The Sacred Heart representative who led us on our tour also gave Mamina a copy of Mother Soniat's fudge recipe. Which is how I find myself packing a tub full of marshmallow fluff in my suitcase in anticipation of our return to Granada,Timberland Boots; Nicaraguan supermarkets don't stock the fudge-making staple,Stella McCartney Bags. Sitting in the corner of my empty suitcase, the plastic vat is starting to take on magical powers in my mind; it's a time machine that is able to leap across the decades and bring back the sweet taste of childhood with a single bite.- Q% q" @0 i, k# n9 E
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