Function GetToolName(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As String
Dim ToolName As String = ""
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Obj.AskName(ToolTag, ToolName)
Return ToolName
End Function
Function GetToolNumber(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Integer
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim ToolNumber As Integer
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Param.AskIntValue(ToolTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_TL_NUMBER, ToolNumber)
Return ToolNumber
End Function
Function GetToolHeight(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim ToolHeight As Double
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(ToolTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_TL_HEIGHT, ToolHeight)
Return ToolHeight
End Function
Function GetToolDiameter(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim ToolDiameter As Double
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(ToolTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_TL_DIAMETER, ToolDiameter)
Return ToolDiameter
End Function
Function GetToolFluteLength(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim ToolFluteLength As Double
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(ToolTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_TL_FLUTE_LN, ToolFluteLength)
Return ToolFluteLength
End Function
Function GetToolCornerRadius(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim ToolTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim ToolCornerRadius As Double
theUFSession.Oper.AskCutterGroup(camObjectTag, ToolTag)
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(ToolTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_TL_COR1_RAD, ToolCornerRadius)
Return ToolCornerRadius
End Function
Function GetStockPart(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim StockPart As Double
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(camObjectTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_STOCK_PART, StockPart)
Return StockPart
End Function
Function GetStockFloor(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim Stockfloor As Double
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(camObjectTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_STOCK_FLOOR, Stockfloor)
Return Stockfloor
End Function
Function GetSpeedValue(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim SpeedVale As Double
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(camObjectTag, UFConstants.UF_PARAM_SPINDLE_RPM, SpeedVale)
Return SpeedVale
End Function
Function GetFeedValue(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim FeedValue As Double
Dim _camObject As NXObject = NXObjectManager.Get(camObjectTag)
Dim params(0) As CAM.Operation
params(0) = CType(_camObject, Operation)
Dim FeedsBuilder1 As ObjectsFeedsBuilder = theSession.Parts.Work.CAMSetup.CreateFeedsBuilder(params)
FeedValue = FeedsBuilder1.FeedsBuilder.FeedCutBuilder.Value
Return FeedValue
End Function
Function GetCutTime(ByVal camObjectTag As NXOpen.Tag) As Double
Dim CutTime As Double
theUFSession.Param.AskDoubleValue(camObjectTag, 142, CutTime)
Return CutTime
End Function
Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately
'----Other unload options-------
'Unloads the image when the NX session terminates
'GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.AtTermination
'Unloads the image explicitly, via an unload dialog
'GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Explicitly
End Function
End Module
Public Class MY_EXCEL
Private app As Object
Private book As Object
Private sheet As Object
Public Property xlSheetName() As String
Return sheet.Name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
sheet.Name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Function Create() As Boolean
app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If app Is Nothing Then
Return False
app.Visible = True
Return True
End If
End Function
Public Sub Open(ByVal xlFileName As String)
book = app.Workbooks.Open(xlFileName)
sheet = book.ActiveSheet
End Sub
Public Sub Write(ByVal _Range As String, ByVal value As Object)
If _Range <> "" Then
sheet.Range(_Range).Value = value
End If
End Sub
Public Sub InsertPicture(ByVal _Range As String, ByVal imageFile As String)
If _Range <> "" Then
Dim ExcelRange As Object = sheet.Range(_Range)
Dim Ins_image As Image
Ins_image = Image.FromFile(imageFile)
Dim HeightScale As Double = Math.Round((ExcelRange.Height * 12 - 6) / Ins_image.Height, 2)
Dim WidthScale As Double = Math.Round((ExcelRange.Width * 15 - 6) / Ins_image.Width, 2)
Dim ScaleHW As Double = Math.Min(HeightScale, WidthScale)
sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(imageFile, 0, 1, ExcelRange.Left + 2, ExcelRange.Top + 2, Ins_image.Width * ScaleHW, Ins_image.Height * ScaleHW)
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetValue(ByVal _table As Integer, ByVal _Range As String) As String
Dim sheet As Object = book.Sheets.Item(_table)
Return sheet.Range(_Range).value
End Function
Public Function Save() As Boolean
End Function
Public Function SaveAs() As Boolean
Dim Sdlg As SaveFileDialog = New SaveFileDialog '定义一个保存对话框
Sdlg.FileName = AskDisplatyPartName() + "加工工序单.xls" '保存对话框的默认文件名
Sdlg.Filter = "EXCEL档案(*.xls)|*.xls" '过滤器设置
If Sdlg.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then '如果保存对话框的确认按钮被按下
book.SaveAs(Sdlg.FileName) '保存文件
End If
End Function
Public Function Quit() As Boolean
app = Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetArryValue(ByRef _table As Integer, ByVal _Row As String, ByVal _Cell As String, ByRef ArryString() As String) As Integer
Dim sheet As Object = book.Sheets.Item(_table)
Dim rowvalue As String = sheet.Range(_Row).value
Dim cellvalue As String = sheet.Range(_Cell).value
Dim k As Integer = 0
If rowvalue <> "" And cellvalue <> "" Then
Dim rowstr() As String = Split(rowvalue, "/")
Dim cellstring() As String = Split(cellvalue, "/")
Dim a, b, c, d As Integer
If rowstr.Length > 1 And cellstring.Length > 0 Then
a = Convert.ToInt32(rowstr(0))
b = Convert.ToInt32(rowstr(1))
If a > 0 And b > a Then
ReDim Preserve ArryString(b - a)
For i As Integer = 0 To b - a
ArryString(i) = cellstring(0) & Convert.ToString(a + i)
k += 1
If rowstr.Length > 3 And cellstring.Length > 1 Then
c = Convert.ToInt32(rowstr(2))
d = Convert.ToInt32(rowstr(3))
If c > 0 And d > c Then
ReDim Preserve ArryString(b - a + d - c + 1)
For j As Integer = 0 To d - c
ArryString(b - a + j + 1) = cellstring(1) & Convert.ToString(c + j)
k += 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return k
End Function
End Class