



楼主: 1fans

NX 6.0.0的第一个补丁出来了

发表于 2008-8-16 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-16 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 过眼烟云 于 2008-8-16 13:10 发表   B8 W2 z6 W8 ^( |* K8 G
加工 不稳定是怎么个现象  我一直在用 没发现什么问题 命令也很全 那方面不稳定说一下
  D9 k+ T0 E* o0 ]- L0 W3 x
发表于 2008-8-17 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-17 05:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-17 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
楼主能介绍一下补丁在哪些方面做了改进吗? 不会只在加工方面吧,还有什么改进?
发表于 2008-8-17 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-17 11:39 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-17 14:32 | 显示全部楼层
已经上传到这里,有需要的就下吧:0 m$ g, N4 f  E9 Q
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-17 14:34 | 显示全部楼层
Date:               15 July 2008) N. t* \2 a9 b9 _
% F2 l& y9 u; q  J
Subject:           Maintenance Pack 1 for NX" U9 l7 h+ p. p, r- a6 Z

  {/ h# |# P/ P3 t/ s  aTo:                   All users of NX I( S- k& G/ E$ `% K4 N
5 |/ B6 X0 K' ~2 ^2 M
From:              The Siemens NX Team5 {4 `, }7 D0 Y: [- e$ J
8 U9 Z$ g* H  H, ~

- i) F0 R7 s& L, \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 E& k# ]1 S3 h/ _" \

' b% R% W9 E' C! pWe are pleased to inform you that fixes are available for the problems listed below.  A maintenance pack (MP1), built for installation on top of Windows XP32, Windows XP64, and Linux64 images of NX, can now be downloaded from the Siemens FTP server.  This maintenance pack fixes an accumulation of problems listed in the table below.; Z& R4 g$ v# [: {# G6 d2 r5 u
4 Q, Q/ {' T4 t  S! ]* Z# x

3 p% T9 {7 [/ u3 i" M1 C( cRelease
0 z) Q4 T4 r: J. K- j' F PR Number
) m/ d( M! P& _+ J, g, q; X Problem Description8 j: f- Z# o# ]/ T$ F2 e* P2 t

, y7 g4 V0 E0 V/ AMP1) I$ r8 o. ?; _1 o+ ]% R4 A
1612198& B1 @* d/ h* }5 D' ?
The problem in Translators where annotations by expression were exported incorrectly to IGES is fixed." s5 n1 F6 k2 r+ M( v
, z+ v5 L6 l7 _5 A7 J$ Q
( o: Z1 e& R/ }9 i% G 16377596 J- m* m! {+ h- w- c( U5 Y; L) Z
The problem in PMI where some dimensions did not update properly after changing the Current Feature is fixed.1 f1 R' Z9 F! h1 k$ K( k/ E
1 n6 a- |4 g# Z2 ^. j& b
, @$ F) b% E4 A( T1 V8 v* m 16537811 L0 T9 ~& U5 D: }) ?& {1 z$ k
The problem where synchronizing the Routing Bill of Material and the Drafting Parts List in Teamcenter Integration for NX caused errors is fixed.! M+ P5 [& F. [. b$ {' \  I: b/ e0 [# W
8 d5 [) A* u/ D+ u* b1 q
MP11 h+ ]7 [3 Z* Z
+ B3 }" d$ R& D% W$ ]1667944
' p6 ]+ P0 t: p3 p: U" e0 V The problem where some out of date bookmark files were not able to load the assembly is fixed., t; n/ m- N. q# A% U. `- r9 X0 t9 a

+ I4 G+ e% s$ L! `4 M1 {; ]MP1
5 y! \  b0 }0 ^; K) q5 R 1670906
. a& o, x1 e" _$ l2 M) f- _6 _5973653
+ D4 B: D- u! g5 E2 M: E+ O The problem in Translators where some STEP files failed to import is fixed.
& f& i( T8 K* h7 C4 N: j' ^ & U+ ?4 r0 p" ]& C  x
MP19 y) r, n$ l0 f# j5 F
20983575 A& f% P% h8 |9 [. s; K( Y& c
The problem in CAE where the NX session terminated when a Japanese name was entered as a Graph title is fixed." V; |# u# m+ m$ N0 `5 q) W1 |
, x( Y0 v3 t7 D8 G
MP1% q% ]4 h1 L* C& ]# p5 ^
2100564' }% X' b  @) a! V! [5 y
The problem where dragging a spline point changed the spline's planar characteristics is fixed.
1 @9 u$ _" Q: c: D- ?) } ( _, E: U' s5 U/ ^
MP13 p$ }" _. {6 v# H
2100659! ?2 h. _. \- e  F8 X7 P- k' D# h
The problem in CAE where there was an error exporting some MSC Nastran bulk data files is fixed.. @! G- }) v: c* r6 r
( c# }, E  C3 M0 K  A- E, A" Z
MP1/ c0 r0 F  |4 V! r  u9 _
2 L# V) O2 v! V" [; T. E5941874
! a8 z- T+ j6 F, K% f0 t0 S3 M The problem where some GRIP commands with mixed case view names did not work is fixed.' D# ^  W, g) E9 {
( Q8 O4 T  A- O
! ?4 b8 b) @  O2 T 5968976
" r: w7 g8 g- @6 T1 P2 R The problem where the Incremental Dynamic preference was ignored when editing a Bridge Curve is fixed.1 s( M, H% S' [

7 q, A* d: c( T( s* }1 ?MP1! O9 T; G4 H% \4 d" l7 t
59894230 g! l8 ~1 |9 |
59892155 i1 @- J5 q6 `( b* J3 F
5997101; C, ~6 `9 K: v( n: G% r- ]
5999269  [! ]" r1 S: P& ^- N
5 v" D; |. x  v, E7 R& L* y The problem where changing applications and certain licensing operations didn't function properly is fixed.
: n3 }. s, B7 H+ O% F  ^5 X. G
6 ~. \5 d& O8 b5 _( f5 m
$ R/ c6 y" @( x' C2 r 7 U& i$ j3 P. I# d0 j1 Q! X

2 A' i3 R+ m) Z* z0 i" W- T, I; ]
' _, ?: W% @1 H; I6 e. G
$ p: `' m* S; D  h! O' e7 ZWindows update instructions
. Z+ h3 ?( T8 R, I" Z: i5 [/ k2 q1 o5 F/ {' ?% v+ l
8 u. X3 Q' T, V  z
" g+ V; @+ r  a* z
The files contained in nx- are provided as replacements for previously installed NX 6 products.  
& l6 X- v/ ~5 S6 p0 d/ V
! `; D6 O" {# R; o2 n* h/ P! a
3 `* g) y2 u" q% g) G% j9 z2 K! u$ F
For the Windows XP32 platform, you should have at least 520 MB of free space to unzip this file.  - D" u: |  J# a

! x0 S$ F7 D  y( O: {
7 c! ?6 K$ @" e# k$ l# A7 M
: A9 v0 a7 H4 [( uFor the Windows XP64 platform, you should have at least 1.00 GB of free space to unzip this file.
  |% A$ I: A; N2 V) Y: }( C8 w* s4 Q! Q) ?+ D8 q# b* n3 x! g
4 y7 x0 u) m! A
Version NX must be installed before updating to version NX Please be aware that these updated MP files will be superseded by the next maintenance release or maintenance pack installed on your machines.
3 N' g9 V1 _4 X
3 V3 M" E' k2 Q( S2 mTo use this update, change to the directory where you unzipped the nx- file, make sure the entire set of new patch files have execute access, then execute the “ugs_update.bat” script.
) @  Q; [' M9 x7 w
* f, h, X, W4 z( u- f2 V& v$ N
. I/ F; F0 w) c7 p: m8 `4 g  r/ Gcd NX600_mp016 D) c% O& b0 z

; u$ B( C- a: Q2 g& _" x/ Tugs_update.bat /v5 o* A  I: ]# o& F& d; [
3 R( a. T. p8 ~* J$ s* X+ A
) l' j' Y* X4 l7 z6 Q

- ?# G$ ?3 P' ^The normal operation of the script is non-verbose; stop to confirm default answers.
% E8 q  n4 y  c1 Y" D# O
3 U9 t- t' z( V9 N& K; `The update script supports 2 switches:
3 H+ B+ I5 M. c, S, y5 s( @; u3 `2 R* y' c2 r
/v = Display verbose messages. , a, P& d& ^# n: h
0 y: K6 ?, O; U' }( N0 x4 {
/d = Take all default answers (i.e.: script will not stop to ask questions).
; |/ F! S& \4 z$ j8 z/ X5 s6 c. w; U
4 `! ^% S8 u3 i3 v- V& [" d
0 [: `3 Z. \1 H  N# s1 ^5 Q5 e
Note: Before running the ugs_update.bat script, please make sure the environment variable %UGII_BASE_DIR% is set to the base directory of the NX 5 release. For example:
) n9 l0 y$ a  d/ N& M1 ]% P1 ^" P5 J$ a- v  {. G
set UGII_BASE_DIR=C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6
( u" Y# u" X5 X" g% r# a7 e6 F/ ^2 D7 n. f$ }. o. M

+ S5 c7 ^% l" S  `0 E
$ _& d0 M1 E" w4 h* X* z8 ~) COr set to the appropriate installed directory on your system.
( |; D  h+ p  u8 o1 ^% _+ [, P: M* O$ Z$ W, w1 H7 {. _
: ?% M9 Q, W" G/ c% c% N
/ S, @# b/ t2 B9 U6 J4 Z4 j
4 ?% l8 M! d6 h4 \7 ?, p

8 y( b2 }4 k  k& G/ @/ V( T' ALINUX update instructions : g. ]3 J- U1 j' W% \7 r- Q; z
. K1 [2 i/ x0 m
  k- P' p4 L  m' O2 @( V9 s

* Q' a& B$ Q8 }. e, kThe files contained in nx- are provided as replacements for previously installed NX 6 products.
9 x: A. y7 n; I. j3 e3 Q0 N, z' o) X& p# x

! X0 s/ x0 Z" Z. |! S
( Z9 f& g, L9 B' a: ~$ j" YFor the Linux64 platform, you should have at least 710 MB of free space.- H8 I5 z) [* I, y. g, J9 Z: J
! S2 x5 g1 z% U" p+ r
& w& \: A) j/ S9 A. C+ O) A) b: V
' m5 ^0 Y  o( v, I* a  a1 r3 p( s- r
Version NX must be installed before updating to version NX  Please be aware that these updated MP files will be superseded by the next maintenance release or maintenance pack installed on your machines.
- P( o5 O( Z4 h* s
7 h1 R% f9 S8 }% C" L8 w0 F. L3 N   E- H+ Y4 t! s  w# J+ V
! L% y. H' |& V4 v/ L  \1 k3 J1 s, {
To use this update, change to the directory where you extracted the nx- distribution file, make sure the entire set of new patch files have execute access, then execute the “ugs_update” script.  
' [( l7 Y2 t$ _9 u0 y. L
: D0 v& }% O8 ~  U- ]$ U , X  H1 h; y: N  F- }7 `
& q- s& M# z: b. N/ l! i( B
cd NX600_mp01
8 \0 e! M) n/ X0 s6 c: u  \2 G+ P8 E- m1 x
chmod 555 *# h( c6 f/ l+ f. f! K( ~4 l- X7 B
1 P# S# \& _7 H7 t9 e  R9 W
./ugs_update -v7 z* n! N) [$ U! v3 O

! q. R% R9 T' r- f2 R3 q
; B) B1 F2 p5 o. {
' w( y) ]; T8 s1 M; kThe script will interrogate your installed NX directory, and update the installed files.  The normal operation of the script is non-verbose; stop to confirm default answers.
- F+ i# |6 k( z9 u+ u1 D* Z; |0 c4 _" h! i1 J
; [" Z2 b& P' p5 K7 P
" H  ]5 A6 M/ m
The update script supports 2 switches:9 x9 A) R! l0 y
$ N: I5 Y! y0 A% h: M
-v = Display verbose messages. - Z$ m4 k. @) U, S) [2 t

1 [! j6 u4 _7 G1 O+ L4 o+ y: O8 w-d = Take all default answers (i.e.: script will not stop to ask questions).
5 I- d5 f. M) E2 h6 P% L
' N9 e2 k0 P& l$ z; \. ^
8 V7 v% y$ Z! \, T. V9 ~' y
+ e6 j; ]! K' F0 _After the MP update has run successfully, the following identifying text will be written into the system log of every NX session:0 l; a8 D* e; x2 T

" k! x2 _; w' t$ _
) l: w' ^) b$ J8 f/ F5 I+ u# \) Q+ M- O& C5 }7 ]( p& @
"NX MP1, 15Jul08. See Maintenance Pack letter for detailed list of fixes."! p' f* d) w& ^* y9 W
6 H5 i% Y0 [: }5 X0 W6 c

5 T3 w0 [6 Z0 T8 h0 M3 o; D
* {# Z' W/ Y2 ~, `& U8 ^" J: S( EIf you have any issues with the installation or support of these fixes, please contact your local GTAC support group.
: s  \1 H; W5 E+ j+ A# z3 W2 i8 m/ R6 n# p
- c3 [6 g- W& v
! y% _& s9 {' A5 @
Sincerely,2 ?8 O  H) n$ f0 I, ^9 d
* g6 G4 d: [9 A) ]6 U: ~3 Q
$ N2 m: P7 r; T; _3 A- s
2 U  c4 v' j" Q3 G) q! o6 G8 n
The Siemens NX Team
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-17 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
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