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[疑难] UF_MOTION_export_adams_anl_file怎么用?

发表于 2014-4-23 11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ @2 T$ I6 _& X* \6 P7 zUF_MOTION_export_adams_anl_file (view source)+ U' i( `& U: X* h8 }7 L$ e
1 @) l5 I/ z) q( @" g, x; X7 I
Defined in: uf_motion.h4 M2 s0 f* g% U2 z
/ p8 n0 n" e( G6 }' L, H

0 a7 k8 a4 N& K' C5 {" u) B" }Overview
9 H6 S) x6 K3 p. f* H+ V/ E8 ^) E( I' B
Exports the current Motion model as an ANL file which can then be read
8 B! V$ R. k- d" ?into Adams or any other application which reads Adams ANL files.
% R8 [" m4 ]( k, H+ \9 z' [
# T/ ~5 Y* s/ r9 M) B$ i
4 V6 g, z- [( z1 x3 s  iEnvironment0 u  f; ^& J  M( j$ J( o
$ c; O7 v& \2 o. X; ]$ }3 x8 U8 `
Internal or External
. C9 a. Z" V, L" G- x" y. i, P  Y6 v! o+ F
3 [" J$ z7 O" _9 P+ [. \; e& {
See Also% }8 O* h4 u$ Y

$ [: y' E3 c  ~% @0 o# \$ uUF_MOTION_init_stl_parameters_struct
7 c7 f' B5 P  l6 G7 Y9 y; {UF_MOTION_solve_model - v0 }" ]/ @4 u/ \
UF_MOTION_calculate_static_equilibrium 5 ^2 T# S. a& C) X- l
UF_MOTION_step_articulation , }, C1 B" D3 W
( N, Y' J4 \8 s
9 E  y, F- L2 b( }9 G9 f, ~: d6 v3 O: a
History) }, H) ]5 ]9 x; F4 K  ]

5 o- b' F, x. [" J7 H4 b! _2 KReleased in NX3
# D; L. w# d  z2 M, l2 k; s8 W
# l: O$ {( t+ v/ H$ a3 ~. @1 g+ x+ b1 P6 Z  D( j5 B1 s1 T' d- O: T
Required License(s), g5 R( {' y4 \2 D8 I
) z! N- H% a/ o. c+ k4 k
9 t8 a6 s; `! S% O! w
: j" w7 h7 Y; j& J# B7 O4 R# Y. y1 h: b) ?) {' Z
: r4 E* V& J8 b7 F* U! w0 h
int UF_MOTION_export_adams_anl_file
5 F+ A5 J. r9 ^2 \& |+ H(' {! [+ `$ J" [% S4 w
const char * file_name, 1 D0 o1 |: ?: q  w$ M7 d2 x/ I" A
UF_MOTION_anl_geometry_format_t geometry_format,
4 l; y; x& G* fUF_MOTION_stl_parameters_p_t stl_params " a' L( P9 {2 R! B) R
2 }" D2 b" I8 A' {
: Z  |3 M) D, |! M' O
$ o) K) K. q- b- s
const char *file_nameInputThe filename of the .anl file to write. It
6 @2 D- L* x% s' u( x, }6 Wshould include the entire path to the file. , h' z. i; f+ t1 Q9 H
The filename should end with .anl followed by a
  ]0 F8 I4 Q5 t. Hterminating NULL character.
UF_MOTION_anl_geometry_format_tgeometry_formatInputThe format to export the geometry.
UF_MOTION_stl_parameters_p_tstl_paramsInputIf geometry_format == UF_MOTION_stl, then 7 X, }3 @3 {7 ~
this arg contains the parameters to export
, \& _9 z/ I/ y9 h' Mthe geometry as STL data. Ignored if
, O' j# T5 U" F) tgeometry_format != UF_MOTION_stl.
; z! i' q' q# G+ G9 {

' h! K  ]0 c7 }; N% Y8 Y
6 ^1 h0 g! g% A) u3 b
发表于 2014-4-23 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-24 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
开发者 发表于 2014-4-23 17:08) W1 e  l. d: n# Q; S
" l4 h/ R4 ^6 k+ m/ Z7 v$ O
7 x& ?1 @  Z7 y
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