本帖最后由 西尔贝 于 2015-5-7 19:43 编辑 : Q. W% D& o$ ~
9 x# ~5 m7 o& V& Q: C& _
为什么程序中红线句子连续用两次UF_OBJ_cycle_objs_in_part();后只能得到上面那个partName的partTAg而不能得到下面那个UF_OBJ_cycle_objs_in_part()的partName1的partTAg?????????,是不是不能两者用两次其中a.prt和a1.prt是两个长方体只是尺寸不一样, N: J8 G' p7 b- l# K/ Y- L
#include "afx.h"
& _& ^0 i6 S/ X; Z#include <iostream>+ U, S0 c3 d$ o3 F, P5 c
#include <uf.h>) ]4 U, g2 i" j9 o
#include "uf_part.h"5 p7 w% R& P; }- C9 d# t& k
#include <uf_attr.h>
, I5 M- e/ u' O# g#include <uf_ui.h>
- k5 J5 S. O$ n' h2 N7 P9 W1 P' {#include <uf_obj.h>
' R: E& H1 l3 t#include "uf_modl.h"
! Z0 h+ u9 @: ?% S) T& o#include "uf_weight.h". B9 U' z6 F6 m$ f
#include "uf_modl_types.h "% A4 L7 d% B' H
/ l# `& K/ u, F
using namespace std;
9 T5 P% ^8 E/ M$ M+ Q
* w, w2 ?5 t* h9 h" T5 j0 j#define UF_CALL(X) (report( __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, (X))). I9 w5 u* o$ {. w- y7 M
, v: v" O- {+ `$ A) }3 a) gstatic int report( char *file, int line, char *call, int irc), Z) G; G T& \& E
{5 i+ `- b! Q3 S2 ?2 U+ H
if (irc)% w" T/ l% M; c5 `/ H
0 {& F+ D7 A" \2 A( `1 R char messg[133];; r! `) w( _/ {, g) X2 q$ {$ b
printf("%s, line %d: %s\n", file, line, call);, r! O; p% t" N3 i8 K6 V
(UF_get_fail_message(irc, messg)) ?
o& w5 W% r$ `8 s2 e( T5 Z$ d0 ` printf(" returned a %d\n", irc) :
0 c2 r9 C* B, i. ~ o# K printf(" returned error %d: %s\n", irc, messg);4 T. d) L3 ?4 P, U: l# A
" `3 w% Y% o# A9 h return(irc);; E& _5 {+ |3 p5 H; d
}1 Z/ Y+ R- v0 i) U9 n8 I( N" m9 f
1 T/ U* o }; j( N1 B. w7 z* K6 Lint main()8 Y$ J+ o9 S6 m% r
{8 a7 k7 l; o+ C8 s9 i
int nRetCode = 0;2 d V0 @& j0 I; B& a$ E
int rcode;9 v2 i# V- X4 s f) A5 b9 O
CString partName = "e:\\a.prt"; //此处为创建block的全路径名 CString partName = "e:\\a1.prt"; //此处为创建block的全路径名
0 N0 w2 K/ N) i3 N tag_t partTag = NULL_TAG;- G$ b4 c5 k, _8 `
tag_t attrTag = NULL_TAG;! Y! O* b7 J- W& X' ~' X
tag_t obj1 = NULL_TAG;8 t* w$ Y# f- e) I/ p. U3 m! L0 K. f& J
tag_t obj2 = NULL_TAG;
w+ x% T. S" D# a7 _ UF_PART_load_status_t error_status;
) ]0 |' c1 ^& X9 ?& D3 _) a& m
+ G# w; Z' V% n+ k( ? // initialize ug and print and error on failure
a- {5 Z* z. S3 Y rcode = UF_initialize();1 b$ O! j6 f/ X/ n8 K
# b) \6 Q+ R& p, X5 F: M if ( rcode )
# ^: [6 d7 e0 b# J9 m1 c. i {
0 v* `$ R. }/ c) _ // TODO: change error code to suit your needs
+ @( i9 s2 h$ g \5 ~* f cerr << _T("Fatal Error: UG initialization failed") << endl;
' s% b: J2 }4 Z1 ]0 ~+ m nRetCode = 1;
8 f; t) H& m6 Y8 I; I0 } }& Y8 c, B$ m- h! A
2 i( M6 @3 m- e {
0 P/ X4 T6 {* h& `2 C& ?. p4 | // TODO: code your application's behavior here. $ R4 n* ^1 H @2 L
8 V d' e$ P' [7 a; Q7 [ UF_PART_open_quiet((char *)(LPCTSTR) partName,
2 i2 n z$ Z" Q &partTag, 0 T5 @3 ^1 ~" T2 q# b
&error_status); & Q- n1 Q3 A& l
UF_PART_open_quiet((char *)(LPCTSTR) partName1, + k1 {, A, m, S7 ?' D
3 T7 |7 H* {. S9 ~6 S6 f &error_status); 6 b3 }) \% M: g" J5 E9 o
s9 n* N, A9 N# ^. Z+ X
. h, \* L0 v3 s& O: D# Q, ^/ F
* ]) Q Y( \7 j- V' ^! R
3 [) C- f9 x4 ]: j }
K6 d8 B# }4 {
- \# R/ l( p9 l3 u( g* ~$ X. | return nRetCode;* \+ t6 X+ a0 C( k8 s
}; w ]: L" U: U1 m
( b# C6 M o& _* C1 t2 R1 b a+ |6 O1 f( |2 N# h* F, N