<strong>Joke</strong><div style=" ADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 10px; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW-X: hidden; WIDTH: 97%; TEXT-INDENT: 24px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; HEIGHT: 200px;"><p><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="4">Have you been a good girl?</font></p><p><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="4">3 girls died and was brought to the gates of heaven. Upon entering the gate they were halted by St. Peter and his obedient angel.<br/><br/>St. Peter asked the girls, "Before entering you must answer this simple question." "Which is ...?", they replied in unison. "Have you been a good girl?", he asked the first girl.<br/><br/>"Oh yes", she said. "I was a virgin before I got married and was still virgin even after I got married."<br/><br/>"Very good", said St.Peter. "Angel, give this girl... the golden key."<br/><br/>"Have you been a good girl?", he asked the second girl.<br/><br/>"Oh,quite good", she said. "I was a virgin before I got married but was not after I got married."<br/><br/>"Very good", said St.Peter. "Angel, give this girl... the silver key."<br/><br/>"Have you been a good girl?", he asked the third girl. <br/><br/>"Oh no, not at all",she said. "I practically have sex with every guy I met,before and after I got married. Anywhere, anytime". <br/><br/>"Very good", said St.Peter. "Angel, give this girl.........my room key."<br/></font></p></div> |