要设置某个连杆在一个力作用下沿曲线运动# c4 x3 Y' P3 K) j! G0 |
7 J0 s/ I+ m: E9 T点为连杆上的某一点,线为一条直线
7 ^2 H; p0 |! r这样设置之后求解时出现错误提示:; ^3 N8 p) f0 H+ ~; ]
; t6 T. Y" ~2 D% X( `0 W
The Initial Conditions displacement solution failed. ADAMS/Solver could
& V. u3 T9 J$ B7 q3 e% Y# y; [ not determine the initial assembled position configuration of the model.0 M3 e/ ?! ]: w b; q4 }8 c
1)Try increasing the number of iterations for convergence. Current value: 25.! G* {: H0 S0 S- w& l; u# V' Z0 l) v/ T$ X: T
2)If redundant constraints are present try to eliminate as many as possible.' P6 T* P7 _4 M7 q$ l) q& h
3)Make sure prescribed motions are consistent with other aspects of the. U$ E. }& ~% d4 L# p2 j( o
current model position.
% B' `4 u0 H8 Z4)Check to see if joints are inconsistent (contradictory); eliminate them if so.
) A' @2 [" O" ~: y% K5)Check to see if parts are not too distant from an assembled configuration.
4 |8 |& X4 p, ~7 J# d$ h/ O7 x
1 @7 ]9 ^3 G+ i! {4 a( e请问问题出现在哪?
/ ?/ a; ]) J" G- ~0 a% N
3 h" I( d" ~0 y- P" ~( A4 ips:哪位高手有点在线上副的例图,能否分享一下
6 Q4 I: }: P4 @; b6 |2 [- ecolin04@126.com- J# L; }! K6 V
多谢!!! |