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[原创] Modeling

发表于 2012-5-6 09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Modeling menu provides the capabilities to help the design engineer perform conceptual design and manufacturing functions. Currently, there are two functions in this category. The first function allows you to create a solid model of the centerline from the wire model based on the outer diameters of the bundles calculated in AutoRoute. The second function creates a flattened harness from your 3D model and frames it with a number of different sizes of boards.
The system performs the following functions:
·         [url=mkMSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\EDS\Unigraphics%20NX\ugDOC\html_files\harness.chm::/modeling/center_solid.html]Centerline Solid Creation[/url]
·         [url=mkMSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\EDS\Unigraphics%20NX\UGDOC\html_files\harness.chm::/modeling/model_2d_frmbrd.html]2D Formboard Creation[/url]
Centerline Solid Creation
Centerline Solid Creation requires a created and defined harness centerline. Upon choosing this function, the following options are available:
·         Do All Bundles & Terminals
·         Do All Bundles Only
·         Do Single Bundles & Terms
Each option uses Modeling functions to create a cable/tube solid to represent a scale model of your wire harness. Solid Model Creationmay take some time to process, but when finished, it displays the newly created cable/tube around your defined centerline.
Do All Bundles & Terminals generates a solid out of all bundles and terminals that make up your defined centerline. Do All Bundles Only generates a solid out of all your harness bundles that contain at least two wires. Do Single Bundles & Termsallows you to select each bundle for which you want to create a solid model. The system displays a generic selection box, cross hairs for selection of bundles in the part file window, and the following cue line prompt:
Object #x To create Solids - Choose bundles and Select OK to proceed.
When you finish selecting each of the bundles/wires for your solid model creation, choose OK from the generic selection box to proceed to create the solids.
The following figure illustrates a portion of a solid harness model.
When you are finished, choose BACK or Cancel to return to the Analysis menu.
2D Formboard Creation
The Formboard that is created can be seen as a 2D version of the harness flattened out for manufacturing purposes. The Formboard consists of a main run with branches representing junctions in the wire harness. The main run consists of the bundles with the largest diameters and has the branches coming off of it.
2D Formboard Creation is to Drafting as Centerline Solid Creation is to Modeling. The Formboard created exists in a drawing, and can be manipulated by using the Drafting operations to move the branches from interfering with each other. The next figure shows an example of a Formboard, while the second figure is an exploded view of the right side.
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+ o$ F% C$ W  L' ^6 `$ d Formboard Creation Technique
Determines how the Formboard is laid out by the diameters of bundles. If a junction exists on the 3D side, the operation to split the harness will lay the thickest bundle horizontal, and the other bundle will branch off the main run.
2D Formboard Creation
You must have a centerline established by Centerline Definition and wires routed through your harness design by AutoRoute. This function allows you to create a basic design for a flattened harness in preparation for assembly of the physical wire harness.
NOTE: Users have the ability to control several characteristics used in the Formboard creation. By using Drafting Preferences, the users can control such items as: color, text size, layers, etc.
Choose a Drawing Name
The first item prompted for is the Drawing name. The default name provided is UGHSHT_1, and is incremented by one each time the default is used. The input name from the user must be a valid Unigraphics NX Drawing name. For example, a blank name, or a duplicate name would be unacceptable. The system provides a window to enter the user's Drawing name, and the cue line prompt:
Enter Formboard Drawing Name:
Enter the valid Drawing name, and select OK.
Select Component Items
The second step for the user to perform is to select which component items they need to display on the Formboard. The menu allows you to specify:
Item Number
Contains an identifier for each electrical component that has been routed in the harness. For example, if the Assembly has two instances of spline .prt, and each electrical component would have a unique ID. But, the item number would be the same for each instance since they originated from the part file.
Component ID
The Unique ID created by Harness.
Pin Information
Describes the connectivity between the two terminals. The information contains the Pin ID, Wire ID, To Component ID, To Component Pin ID, and wire color.
NOTE:The user must specify, at a minimum, either the Item Number or Component ID. The following figure shows an example of how the information would be formatted if all component items were chosen.
Formboard Component Items
NOTE: In the situation where the component has a large number of pins, there is a possibility of exceeding the current 600 characters limit for Unigraphics NX Labeling. In this case, multiple labels will be created to include all of the necessary information. The user will be able to identify all of the related labels by their common title (i.e., Item Number or Component ID.)
Select a Border Size
The next step is to determine the border size for the Formboard. There are two types of choices provided by the system, and are described below. The user can customize this menu by adding custom border sizes in the Form_board_borders section of the Configuration File. The format is basically the width, a space, followed by the height. The user could input standard-drawing borders to indicate their sizing compared to the Formboard created. Without any user-defined sizing, there would be only two choices:
Max Size
Allows the system to automatically size the Formboard to the optimum size. The size determined is sometimes referred to as the best fit.
User Defined
Allows the user to enter the width and height of the Drawing. All sizes are needed in part units. The user is prompted to enter the Width and Height of the Formboard.
Once the flattened harness is created, you can edit the Drawing by using the existing Unigraphics NX Drafting application.
For assistance in manipulating the placement of the Formboard branches, a Unigraphics NX group is created for each branch off of the main run. Unigraphics NX editing capabilities can be performed on the groups, if necessary.
Grouping of Formboard Branches
In larger Harness Designs, sometimes the branches overlap each other, and it is necessary to separate them by moving them away from each other. The following is a short example of what grouping the branches together has done to allow this process to be performed easier.
The following figure displays an example of Formboard branches. The points A - F represent points the user may select while using the Unigraphics NX editing capabilities. If you selected point A, nothing could be edited because this is considered the main run of the harness, and is not put into a Unigraphics NX group. Only branches off of the main runare assigned a group for use in Transformation, Rotation, etc. If you select point B, then the group containing branches of B - C - D - E - F would all be selected. The circles displayed represent the spheres of influence that the branch groups have adopted. At every intersection of two branches, the user could picture that two Unigraphics NX groups have also intersected.
Formboard Branch Grouping
After Formboard Creation
Once the Formboard has been created, and the Drawing is loaded, 2D Formboard Creation displays a new list of options:
·         Cross Bundle Check
·         Cross Wire Check
·         Create Single Bundle Thickness
·         Create All Bundle Thickness
NOTE:Since the user may create several Formboards, it is important to note that the given options only operate on the latest Formboard created by the user. Also, the user must have the Formboard active to have the following options available.
Cross Bundle Check
Allows the user to view 3D and Formboard bundles at the same time. The user is prompted to select a Formboard bundle. After selection, the bundles in both the 3D model and Formboard are highlighted.
There are several ways in which the user can observe the results from the Cross Bundle Check. If the user has only the Formboard Drawing loaded, and has selected a Formboard bundle, they will not be able to see the associated 3D bundle. However, the users can either:
Use Drafting to add/import a view from the 3D model within the Drawing.
Use Layout to switch back to the 3D model.
In either case, the user will be able to view the association between the Formboard and 3D bundles.
Cross Wire Check
Allows the user to view 3D and Formboard wires at the same time. The user is prompted to select a wire. After selection, the wires in both the 3D model and Formboard are highlighted. Reference the notes in Cross Bundle Check to view the 3D model and Formboard simultaneously.
Create Single Bundle Thickness
Generates dashed lines to indicate the thickness for each Formboard bundle. The displayed thickness is based on the diameter for each bundle.
Create All Bundle Thickness
Generates dashed lines around all of the Formboard bundles. The displayed thickness is also based on the diameter of the individual bundles.
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