楼主 |
发表于 2013-1-12 10:13
结论6 G9 p F ~: U6 j
„ A combination scheme of the Dynamic Explicit Spring-* X7 o t8 G7 R9 Y% A3 C
back Algorithm (DESA) and the Tool Surface $ _6 o+ u4 u7 W1 O4 L
Compensation Method (TSCM) are proposed. The
( _# E( k" v: Mformula of the critical damping coefficient for DESA is
/ L2 G, C3 L7 O: W5 E7 eprovided. The springback results of the truck carling8 a" y1 k0 X2 @! q6 ]- l/ ~3 n
shows that the present method is valid, the effect of the ! N3 S" D4 R$ z7 t8 y$ }% ^$ a
springback compensation is verified by the tool surface & S* V Q; A* ]0 B+ L8 B. d
compensation scheme. |