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学圣贤教诲 改人生命运

发表于 2013-12-17 15:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

蔡礼旭 《学圣贤教诲,改人生命运》

CaiLixu  《Learn The Teachings Of The Sages and Virtuous People, Change One’s Life》

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   蔡礼旭老师,1973年出生于台湾,现任马来西亚中华文化教育中心主讲教师、国际儒学联合会会员、海南省监狱劳教系统特聘德育讲师、云南省道德大讲堂顾问。3 T9 e5 r8 ?+ o2 G2 n
   蔡老师原毕业于资讯专业,听闻释净空老教授教诲后,深感中华传统文化教育实为当世亟需,乃以师志为己志,终身力行并弘扬中华传统文化。' J9 N( z8 {/ `
   2003年年底起,与爱心人士共同创建“海口孝廉国学启蒙中心”并担任主讲教师。' ]& u2 k& w7 v5 _$ Y
   2006至2008年,担任安徽庐江汤池镇“庐江中华文化教育中心”训导长、常务副主任。主办“幸福人生讲座”三十多期,获得热烈反响,逐渐带动了海内外各界人士在各自领域中,实际运用中华文化。- a! L# ?3 N, b6 {
   2009年,马来西亚中华文化教育中心成立,邀请蔡老师担任主讲教师。2010年年底,蔡老师带领中心同仁们研习、弘扬初唐名臣魏征、虞世南等编辑之《群书治要》,并选编《群书治要360》,成为诸多政治、企业界人士的治事宝典。# C7 ~* d3 ^; T1 d" ~# K  ?5 t
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   A Brief Introduction of Teacher Tsai Li-Hsu! E) c7 \6 i6 P5 \+ |# k6 r
   Teacher Tsai Li-Hsu was born in Taiwan in 1973. He is the senior teacher of Chung Hua Cultural Education Centre (Malaysia); a member of International Confucian Association; a distinguished visiting moral education teacher to the Rehabilitation Centre of Hainan prison, and an advisor to the Yunnan Province Moral and Ethics Auditorium program.
. O1 `3 l# V3 W1 B6 ]   Teacher Tsai graduated with a bachelor degree in information technology. After exposing to the teachings of Venerable Master Chin Kung, he realized that the teaching of traditional Chinese cultural is greatly needed by the modern society. Embracing his teacher’s vision as his own, he began to practice and promote the traditional Chinese culture as his life-long mission.8 N, s' @0 u+ b7 f, G! ?; d
   In the year 2003, together with some volunteers, he established the Haikou Xiao Lian Chinese Studies Centre where he worked as the senior lecturer.
& Q- I) U. Y$ W; G! h& X2 X   From 2006 to 2008, he held the post of the Discipline Master and the Deputy Director of Lujiang Cultural Education Centre. He organized over 30 seminars about “How to lead a happy life” with overwhelming success. It gradually helped people at home and abroad to study and practice traditional Chinese culture in all walks of life.
/ B8 o0 K: y# O) f6 ?# L/ w   At the end of the year 2010, Teacher Tsai led his colleagues at the Chung Hua Centre to study and promote the book Qunshu Zhiyao (The Governing Principles of Ancient China) edited by famous officials of early Tang dynasty, Wei Zheng and Yu Shinan. Under his supervision, Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Chinese edition) was compiled and published. It became a valuable reference book for many government officers and businessmen.  - Z# X* m, W! m0 I' I3 m" s
“Propagating the traditional Chinese culture; bringing forth a stable and harmonious world” is the motto of the Centre and also Teacher Tsai’s life-long aspiration.

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