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[转载] 谈谈UG的external模式

发表于 2009-6-30 19:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- O' P. o9 `" U- Y  e. p& x( ?这是UG二次开发不需要UG界面时使用的一种模式。UG Open只开放了部分的API提供支持。
- o1 n$ W" _8 r# J, E' b4 G" ]internal模式是UG的插件方式调用。5 @0 a; |( g  q) E! H  C+ f
所以,即使是external模式也不能够脱离UG运行。+ B2 x/ i3 {4 O" X3 v. M
7 V# ?( q3 J+ i' m7 @( l1 s8 N2 o采用.net语言,internal也可以写成exe。
$ a6 w  i5 V' d2 R/ E: Tinternal使用的是UG规定的入口函数,比如Main、Starup$ l- a1 }: T* z# r0 {3 ?- t) K) ~7 k
+ M, G) X* n0 M) K1 @1 C虽然UG两种开发模式都使用同一套API,但是支持与否要看说明。
+ v! Y" V- g' L1 ], l( C比如
: w# B, g* u2 k- eUF_PART_open (view source)1 n* @3 F( a( o8 h8 j5 h
" ]. H% S+ T; P$ P0 H
Defined in: uf_part.h
1 x" j$ j9 u% x1 h( N+ z
2 F6 P9 N& H1 g) w! v5 QOverview
. {# L6 u8 a! d) vRetrieves an existing NX part or Solid Edge part into the session and . l# e) ~* S/ `' w4 q# {
makes it the work and display part. Solid Edge parts (.par, .psm, .pwd or .asm
( y) }! T- \9 W- Z  y/ O& B1 Zfile extension) are opened by extracting the Parasolids data from the Solid
% Q- i3 b, g# c9 k' lEdge part and then importing this data into a new NX part 7 D1 U9 _* D% }, h) o5 W# b# G
with a .prt extension. The file name of the new NX part has the Solid ) O# ^1 m" t, o- p
Edge part name and a ".prt" file extension. If there is an existing NX / {/ K1 q+ c4 @
part with the same name as the Solid Edge part, then this function
2 c  x/ e/ _2 }% C8 k! B5 C0 wreturns an error. , n: i% Z6 n4 M+ ]( q1 ?% B
The NX part file that you create by opening a Solid Edge part
" V4 Q. N  k2 X$ q, f' o, cfile contains one or more unparameterized solid bodies. 7 a1 t& \# d1 b% j* I
Other files can be opened with this call. The following
5 L7 D2 e  O7 J; L. `extensions are valid - .udf, .bkm, .xpk and .jt. Foreign files with the   s4 a( S6 ~6 E4 \
following extensions can also be opened with UF_PART_open - .igs, .stp,
4 B' a8 k! T! F.dxf, .dwg and .model.
9 O& P3 q/ G3 F, e& e+ iIf a part is a read-only part, and the part retrieval modifies the part, ' j& E; j2 k9 R) H, M
you will receive the error code UF_PART_err_read_only_modified, for that 4 z* `. r" n: y+ N/ j. ~
part when you call UF_PART_open. In this case UF_PART_open will not
1 v: H7 U7 x% d" r+ Treturn a zero status. . ]$ S2 g2 N+ g5 j
. h# r7 l) R! k/ `+ x, {1 v
Environment# S: o/ q5 {* g" C" G* m
Internal and External
0 y* a5 }* Y, s6 Z9 H$ o' N==========================
7 N! K& C- b) a; t& ]6 L2 ?" R) WUF_DISP_create_image (view source)
; `; l1 U5 O8 |$ ^; u9 {$ M
4 q: C# E0 Z. \( H5 v$ b9 sDefined in: uf_disp_ugopenint.h
; m, {  c- q. E ( q7 v- w" r- n2 K; s* P
9 _- F4 I* O) f3 x4 G: e& \6 qExport a PNG/JPEG/TIFF/GIF/XWD/BMP full window area image
0 `6 D" ^  P. @( dCreates an image file with the file type you specify using the image
7 d* z1 `( T: l9 n$ h# [, Rcurrently displayed in the graphics window. ( Z5 D; F3 x  ]" q/ [4 W
* _/ I  O4 ~) h) S+ O- h
+ G) `1 b& `2 Y" N% D, TReturn code: - u" H/ v4 _# r4 \; b& G
= 0 No error 0 ?) ^' X; G' ~
= not 0 Error code, including:   v1 C! [' D" Q6 N
3 y1 W+ ?) G" m8 O$ D$ I9 VStandard UF error codes 8 b+ z2 @7 j* o3 x' A" x

* _6 _1 d9 o) \1 Q( |9 q5 QEnvironment; [6 l5 L3 F. P/ ?9 x
Internal : |! [5 g1 v3 m% t
UF_DISP_create_image (view source)" h5 E- i; g& R3 H& J

. k; {# `% V% c$ R0 w' k$ FDefined in: uf_disp_ugopenint.h) z0 s! {: f" m" ~6 z2 }! }! C- J

& w, z8 i: h3 k# P% b, @* U% G+ zOverview
4 D- j$ h% ~) s9 E9 AExport a PNG/JPEG/TIFF/GIF/XWD/BMP full window area image
6 f1 r- n$ T2 o* rCreates an image file with the file type you specify using the image . z* D) U0 M7 F) F
currently displayed in the graphics window. . m, _( M4 x/ b& R+ l
+ f+ R6 w* L4 V$ i* k9 p5 T0 y6 x# F
Return' _- s* d, D3 n( p& X( u/ Y' ?+ t) u: ?
Return code: 8 x' B% m- g- B$ q: r
= 0 No error
0 Q# F) ^2 H* k9 c6 |* l3 ~= not 0 Error code, including: / P! P1 q7 l8 F$ a
UF_DISP_err_failed_to_create_image_file 3 \) D$ a* s- O
Standard UF error codes * o* L- W% V! F  P' f8 ^
& O& b% m4 ^" Y: h; h( ]
: U  |$ q0 {5 d* \3 n" n, c" gInternal
- K0 Y# `) M$ a4 f/ K另外,如果要运行external模式,需要把UGII目录加入到Windows的Path路径下,否则运行时找不到dll
+ E$ d" _8 L% ]* C' u这是用.net做的external程序示例
$ g0 m9 b& q5 R0 O4 [* W) i+ K view plaincopy to clipboardprint?, ~! i% f) J& I( A2 J8 I( Q8 n
. b& c8 c" V+ c        {   # F/ [$ `/ q2 |# o; E- A7 a
            Session theSession = Session.GetSession();   
0 G0 e. p8 G  e4 L6 B/ T: c# {; D            Console.WriteLine("OK");   . p; I8 g( u/ k* j% \6 L! y
  ; N2 ]0 J! e$ X: W  @) }; \
            Part thePart = theSession.Parts.NewDisplay(@"E:\UGNX6\test.prt", Part.Units.Millimeters);   1 X5 p5 Z7 C9 |2 @" u& H' y
            PartSaveStatus ps = thePart.Save(NXOpen.BasePart.SaveComponents.True, NXOpen.BasePart.CloseAfterSave.True);   
# r- z! }/ F2 L1 c& i# S  - B; r: U1 z! ]+ w& W
$ e: C# R+ n/ f) \/ R3 `& ?5 J        }   * P( b9 O8 y- G. w& q
        catch (NXOpen.NXException ex)   
( A7 ]7 m4 @7 L* w( C) Z% X) X        {   : M2 B! U: q" K* }: g1 p" \
            Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());   4 x' d- c- L# A6 j4 H% J
发表于 2009-8-31 17:36 | 显示全部楼层
* ?# O9 m; J) @% F, Q谢谢
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