Jedi Masters Program Candidate Test
Organic Modeling Test
The goal of this test is to give us a sense of how you approach modeling organic shapes and to also to give you a better idea of the types of challenges faced by modelers at Lucasfilm Animation Singapore.
Using the 3D applications you are most familiar with (we use Maya and ZBrush
at the studio), model the orchid in the photos below (high-resolution image files
are included with this test).
Do your best to create geometry that matches the orchid pictured exactly. Be
sure to model the entire plant shown, including three open blossoms, six closedbuds and the segmented stem.
Reference Photos:
Above are photographs of four different views of the same orchid stem. The plant was rotated
approximately 90° for each photograph. Some attempt was made to keep each view in scale with one another, but because of the stem’s shape, the size of each may need to be adjusted.
Above are close-up photographs of one of the blossoms. This should give a better sense of the
shape of the petals and the way they connect with the stem.
Assignment Details
What You Need to Send Us
You will need to send us your project files to review. If you create your basemeshin one application (Maya, 3ds max, XSI, Modo), and sculpt displacement inanother (ZBrush, Mudbox), send us each separate file. This will allow us toevaluate your geometry.
In addition to your project files, generate a series of grey-shaded (or some otherneutral, easy to read surface) still images of your model from the same fourangles shown in the reference photos above. JPEG images are fine.
The Lucasfilm recruiter who sent you this test will have details about delivery of
your files to us.
03年8月就职于澳大利亚Fuzzyeyes Studio,任场景设计师。
参与开发模拟经营类游戏《Hotdog HotGirl》,负责全部场景的设计工作并参与后期三维制作;参与开发AAA次时代冒险类RPG游戏《Edge of Twilight》,主要负责游戏场景的三维制作。
Careers@Singapore: Interactive & Digital Media Industry活动由联系新加坡和上海市多媒体行业协会共同主办,本届活动举办时间为2010年1月20日——2010年3月28日,旨在展示新加坡数字媒体行业的最新发展,紧缺人才类型,以及开放透明的人才吸引政策,并且向中国数字媒体人才推介到新加坡工作和生活的机会。本次活动的主题是“迈出第一步,唯有新加坡”。我们相信只要你勇敢地迈出第一步,到新加坡工作的梦想必将实现。
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